January Group Coaching

Join Coach Dawn Alitz as she presents on a short monthly topic. This will be followed by a period for you to share your current ministry challenges, questions, or areas of opportunity you'd like to grow in.

Segment One Basic Skills Coach Training

Learn new methods and gain the skills needed to empower the people around you with Segment One Coach Training with instructor Dawn Alitz.

February Coaching Connection

This complimentary group is part of the Faith+Lead development hub for coaches, called Coaching Connection. The 3rd Thursday of the month meet live with Dawn…

March Coaching Connection

This complimentary group is part of the Faith+Lead development hub for coaches, called Coaching Connection. The 3rd Thursday of the month meet live with Dawn…

April Coaching Connection

This complimentary group is part of the Faith+Lead development hub for coaches, called Coaching Connection. The 3rd Thursday of the month meet live with Dawn…

May Coaching Connection

This complimentary group is part of the Faith+Lead development hub for coaches, called Coaching Connection. The 3rd Thursday of the month meet live with Dawn…

June Coaching Connection

This complimentary group is part of the Faith+Lead development hub for coaches, called Coaching Connection. The 3rd Thursday of the month meet live with Dawn…

July Coaching Connection

This complimentary group is part of the Faith+Lead development hub for coaches, called Coaching Connection. The 3rd Thursday of the month meet live with Dawn…

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