
About Faith+Lead

At Faith+Lead, we understand that many people are spiritually hungry yet disconnected. We connect and educate learners and leaders to know the difference Jesus makes and equip them for God’s calling in their lives and communities.

Why Do We Do What We Do?

People are spiritually hungry yet disconnected, and established institutions are breaking down.

As a result, people are restless to find trustworthy communities where they can explore life’s big questions.

Leaders feel unsupported and unequipped to lead existing churches into deeper discipleship.

Ministry entrepreneurs struggle to find support to develop new expressions of Christian community.

It’s exhausting.

That’s where Faith+Lead comes in.

Our ecosystem of resources, brought to you by Luther Seminary, meets people where they are with courses, coaching, learning communities, digital resources, and consulting to help them:

  • Know Jesus better;
  • Be guided by the Spirit to find their purpose; and
  • Join with God in healing the world.

Rooted in God’s unconditional love in Jesus, we embrace the voices of many Christian traditions.

Together, everyday disciples, spiritual seekers, ministry entrepreneurs, and church leaders experience the difference Jesus makes and become equipped for God’s calling in their lives and communities.

When people connect, experiment, and learn together, they experience God's hope for renewing broken communities.

The Faith+Lead Framework

Our work is rooted in a series of theological commitments and practices we call the Faith+Lead Framework. If they resonate with you, you belong here!

In a world in which people are spiritually hungry yet disconnected, we believe:

+The Triune God is actively creating, reconciling, healing, and restoring the world.

+God is with us in Jesus and invites us to join in what God is doing.

+The reconciling and renewing gospel of Jesus Christ is a matter of life and death for the whole world.

+The Holy Spirit gathers and sustains the local church—and will continue to do so.

+God is the primary leader of the local church.

+All Christians are called to follow Jesus by joining God’s work in daily life.

What is the core work that helps people experience the difference Jesus makes in everyday life?

+Connect with God. Develop a Christ-centered identity, embodied in a life of discipleship and nourished through spiritual formation.

+Tell the Story. Invite neighbors into Jesus’ way of life and love in ways they can recognize.

+Cultivate Community. Listen deeply, name God’s presence, and form relationships across all dimensions of diversity—both in and out of the church.

+Practice Justice. Be hosted by neighbors and join in acts of compassion, justice, and reconciliation as a witness of Jesus’ love—particularly in places of suffering and despair.

+Shift Ministry Models. Experiment with new forms of ministry, community, and funding to be nimble and responsive in a changing culture.

Get in touch

Have a question, comment, experiment, or idea you’d like to share with us?

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