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Feb 20

New On-Demand Course Release – Lutheran Principles for Ministry

February 20

Faith+Lead Academy | Overflow: Lutheran Principles for Ministry On-Demand course banner image featuring description copy: "Explore Lutheran Principles for authentic, grace-filled, and impactful ministry" and a background image of a clergyman holding a Bible to his chest.

We’re excited to share that the on-demand course, Lutheran Principles for Ministry, is now available.

Have you been called to step into ministry within a Lutheran context? Lutheran Principles for Ministry is here to walk alongside you, offering support and guidance as you find your footing.

Each module of this on-demand course invites you to explore the heart of Lutheran theology through key sections of the Book of Concord, the Bible, and virtual visits to imagined church communities facing real-world challenges. As you go, you’ll reflect on how Lutheran principles come alive in ministry, and consider how they might be applied in your own unique setting.

This course creates space to explore the rich theological and spiritual foundations of the Lutheran Confessions, providing opportunities to apply that learning in your ministry setting immediately. Through guided reflections, spiritual practices, and actionable insights, you’ll journey toward a grounded confidence in God’s ongoing work through the Lutheran tradition—and through your ministry. 

What You’ll Learn:

  • Why love is foundational to Lutheran faith, and how to practice love in ministry.
  • The key elements of the Lutheran Confessions.
  • What it means to incorporate Lutheran foundations and ways of being into your own work and daily rhythms.
  • Insights into theological principles around sin, the sacraments, worship, and God’s grace.
  • How to develop a grounded confidence in God’s ongoing activity through the Lutheran tradition.
  • Methods to cultivate authenticity and forgiveness within your congregation.
  • Opportunities to expand your sense of wonder and gratitude for God’s creative work in your life and ministry.
  • Strategies for listening to God’s voice through the Bible.

What to Expect:

  • Lifetime access to all course materials, including our flexible, on-demand modules.
  • A full-color, comprehensive PDF handbook with practices, reflection questions, and assignments to deepen your learning.

How to Get Access:

This on-demand course is available now for $55! Enroll now: https://faithlead.org/course-lp/lutheran-principles-for-ministry/

If you’re already a Faith+Lead member, click here to access this course—it’s included in your membership at no additional cost: https://lab.faithlead.org/courses/lutheran-principles-for-ministry/

Not a member yet? Join Now and become part of our growing community. Membership doesn’t just get you a FREE access to all our Faith+Lead on-demand courses and workshops, it also plugs you into a network of leaders who are all about revitalizing ministry in fresh and impactful ways.


Mark Tranvik

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